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Registration Now Open 

This well-respected annual program attracts over 165 ophthalmic technicians, assistants, coders, photographers, and front office staff and is designed to enhance the quality, expertise, and safety of ophthalmic patient care. Attendees will gain an expert perspective through clinical updates and relevant and key technical sessions. We have an excellent program Agenda, presented by expert, local Ophthalmologists, many of whom are members of the Pittsburgh Ophthalmology Society (POS).

Both plenary sessions and breakout sessions are offered to enhance and personalize your experience. Lectures are also delivered in a practical and succinct method to provide attendees ophthalmic “pearls for your practice” to enhance their skills.

We look forward to seeing you on March 21st!

Avni P. Vyas, MD  | Cari Lyle, MD  |  Jeffrey Wincko, MD   

Gideon Nkrumah, MD

Course Directors 45th Annual Ophthalmic Personnel Meeting

Directions to the Omni William Penn - can be found here

Parking - Parking is on your own and not covered by conference tuition. The Mellon Garage (closest parking lot to the hotel) is approximately $20.00 per day. Click here for parking map.

Parking Garages - Use THIS LINK to view rates of all parking garages and to check on availability.

Room Block - A limited number of rooms has been reserved for the conference. The room rate is $189 single/double (excluding taxes and fees). Reserve a room. The room deadline is February 25th. Contact Nadine Popovich if you are beyond the deadline and wish to book a room. 

This  program has been accredited for 13 IJCAHPO CE credits. 

Registrants can claim a maximum of 7.0 IJCAHPO CE Credits for the program.

Pittsburgh Ophthalmology Society  |  850 Ridge Avenue  |  Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Phone  412-321-5030 x110

Administrator:   Nadine Popovich |

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